Reverend Dr. Julius Harrison McAllister, Jr., is the shepherd of a loving, supportive, giving, and service-oriented family that works as a spiritually-driven team to carry out the mission of the church. Together, they provide a godly model for Christian living and service.
Mrs. Deana Young McAllister, Dr. McAllister’s wife and partner in ministry, for nearly thirty years, is an accomplished educator who presently serves as Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Labor and Employee Relations, and Chief Negotiator for Leon County Schools, Tallahassee, Florida. An intelligent, compassionate woman of God, she does not allow her challenging professional obligations to impede her special calling to be a pillar of strength and support for her husband’s ministry. Rather, she unites with him in his mission to provide spiritual oversight for the people of God and tackle the issues of church and community. With the same amount of purpose and commitment, she contributes the gifts of love and humanitarianism through her work in the Women’s Missionary Society and the Young People’s Division at all levels of the African Methodist Episcopal Church – local, district and conference.
Dr. and Mrs. McAllister are the proud parents of three sons – Julius Harrison McAllister III, Colin McKinley Young McAllister, and Dylan David Jeremiah McAllister. Undisputedly kind and affectionate, and following the example provided by their parents, they, too, have an affection for service. Each of them cheerfully contributes time, creativity, and energy, in their own unique way, to Church School, Vacation Bible School, Young People’s Division, choir, youth/collegiate
ushers, and other youth and young adult ministries. They excel in academics and athletics and are actively involved in community service.
Julius III, the eldest son and recent graduate of Morehouse College, is gregarious and fun-loving. At Morehouse, he was a member of the Campus Alliance for Student Activities (CASA) which is responsible for providing a variety of co-curricular programs for the student body and members of the Atlanta University Consortium. He also served as a student tour guide, was selected as the runner-up for the National HBCU HOST Contest, and served as an Event Host.
Colin is a 12th grade student at Maclay Preparatory School. He is a member of the Maclay Basketball Team, North Florida Marlins Elite Travel Basketball Team, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is a member of the Distinguished Young Gentleman of America, Inc., a premier youth leadership program, and Jack & Jill of America, Inc. Additionally, Colin is an honor roll student at Maclay and he takes all AP and honors classes.
Dylan is a ninth-grade student at the Florida State University School (FSUS). He is a member of the FSUS National Jr. Honor Society. Additionally, he is a member of the middle school basketball, football and junior varsity baseball teams. He is the only student athlete at his school who plays all three major sports and excels academically. He plays travel baseball for the West Florida Baseball Academy. He is also a member of Distinguished Young Gentlemen of America, Inc. and Jack and Jill of America, Inc.